
How is Numerise built to work for every learner?

Every learner is different. They have different aims, levels of confidence and previous experiences with maths. That’s why we’ve built Numerise in a way that means every learner can succeed in maths.

Work at a level and pace that suits you

Numerise has different difficulty levels within each course so you can start with questions that match your current ability and confidence. Of course, we then personalise your course to you - more on that in a minute!

At the end of each lesson, you can check your understanding of topics with a quiz to see if you are ready to move on. For topics that have already been covered outside of Numerise, we have a Fast Track feature that allows you to move quickly on to learning new topics – no need to waste time on topics you are already confident with!

Get targeted support when you need it

As you answer questions, we give you feedback to help them understand where you went wrong. There’s always help available with a targeted support video for every question that works through the method step-by-step. That means no trawling through long videos to find the relevant part!

Here is an example of one of our help videos – there are more than 10,000 more available in Numerise!

Image shows a still from an example help video

After completing a few lessons, we build up a profile of your strengths and which topics need more practice. This means that you can focus your efforts and make sure you are confident with every topic needed that year and for your exams. The more you use Numerise, the more we learn about you and the better recommendations we can give.

Image shows strengths and opportunities page in Numerise

Practice with questions chosen just for you

As you progress through each lesson, we build up a detailed picture of how you are progressing and build bespoke practice tasks that revisit any questions you have struggled with. This makes sure any gaps in understanding are picked up and addressed as they happen.

What if you ace a topic? We pick out challenging exam-style problems like the tricky cubes questions below to stretch your maths skills.

Image shows a challenging question within Numerise

Each week, you also get a personalised Weekly Workout task which keeps you on your toes with questions you’ve learnt previously. This ensures that you don’t forget what you’ve already learnt. Found out more about this in our recent blog on spaced repetition.

Image shows the weekly workout spash screen